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Annual Recorders' Seminar

BMERC Annual Recorders’ Seminar 2021: Home is where the wildlife is

Saturday, 13th March 2021, held online using Zoom

Thank you to everyone who attended our 2021 Annual Recorders' Seminar. Also a big thank you to all of our wonderful and fascinating speakers for their presentations.

If you are looking for information on our upcoming 2022 seminar, please click here.

The recording of the day is available on YouTube:

It includes most of the talks from the day, but please note: some speakers requested not to be recorded. You can also download the seminar programme (pdf).


Identifying Important Freshwater Areas in the River Thame Catchment Dr Pascale Nicolet

Activity update from the Buckinghamshire & Milton Keynes Natural Environment Partnership Nicola Thomas

Monitoring the noble chafer using pheromones Dr Deborah Harvey

Lockdown Learning - taking field studies online Keiron Brown

Pond restoration and Norfolk Ponds Project   Prof Carl Sayer

BMERC Updates  BMERC Team

Saproxylic Stepping Stones - Investigating habitat connectivity for deadwood insects Stephanie Skipp

On the origin of species recorders - how wildlife recording is evolving Martin Harvey

Young Recorders' journeys into recording Luke Marriner & Danny Sedgwick

BSBI: recording our plants Louise Marsh & Lynne Farrell

Tracking the Impact Nick Marriner

Recorders' Updates Buckinghamshire Bird Club, British Dragonfly Society, Butterfly Conservation - Upper Thames Branch, Moths, Buckinghamshire Fungi Group

Photo competition winners’ announcement and prize giving Congratulations to Barry Webb and Julie Lane!


Image: Ⓒ Rhiannon Flemming.