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Submit your records

We encourage people to get involved with recording wildlife and geology.

We are interested in all records, so please don't assume that we already know about the wildlife in your area. Anyone can get involved in recording, it's a great way to enjoy wildlife and our environment!

If you have seen some interesting wildlife, please let us know by using one of the forms below.


How to submit your records

You can also submit by email, phone, and post. You may want to use one of our recording forms or the spreadsheet which can be downloaded below. 

Please enter your records one these forms and email to or call 01296 382431.

BMERC is committed to making records held by us publically available. By submitting records, you are agreeing to  the BMERC Terms and Conditions for submitting records.


Groups and schemes

For some wildlife groups there are established county recording schemes, so you may wish to send your records direct to these (the schemes then share their data with BMERC). See our list of local recording groups.

Alternatively, if you record wildlife regularly and would like information about how to use computer systems to enter your records then please contact us for advice. We can also provide information on geological recording.


Image: Six-spot burnet moth Ⓒ Julia Carey