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News and events

Carduelis carduelis (Goldfinch), Buckinghamshire, April 2023.
Image - Ⓒ Mark Rodgers

Some ideas for getting involved in local nature

You can always submit your records of flora and fauna seen around Buckinghamshire to BMERC directly or through iRecord (either the website or download the app), but if you're looking for other ways to get involved from home, here are some suggestions:

Chiltern Rangers

Chiltern Ranger work with communities to provide practical habitat management in Bucks and the wider Chilterns. Chiltern Rangers – Communities and Conservation

UK Pollinator Monitoring Scheme

Pollinating insects play a vital role in our environment, ensuring that many of our crops and wild plants are able to set seed and produce fruit. We need to know how pollinator populations are changing, and with your help UKPOM are gathering data on a wide range of flower-visiting insects. Find out more:

The Mammal Society

The mammal society has a new app for surveying the UK's mammal populations. Visit the website to learn more about Mammal Mapper:

Hedgehog Street

Hedgehog Street is a vibrant and enthusiastic community of Hedgehog Champions, linking garden habitat for hedgehogs across England. Create hedgehog highways by making holes in your fence and connecting your garden to your neighbours, and add your sightings to their Big Hedgehog

Natural History Live

Increase your knowledge of the natural world from home with these short natural history webinars offered by FSC Biolinks. 

The Parks Trust

We host around 500 events and activities across Milton Keynes' green space every year, check out our calendar to find out what's on in the parks. 

What's On in Milton Keynes' Parks | The Parks Trust 

RHS Cellar Slug Hunt

The RHS are keen to understand more about common garden visitors - slugs! Report your sightings of two common cellar slugs, which might be anywhere in Bucks and Milton Keynes.


BMERC Newsletters

The latest edition includes a mix of articles such as information on the life, distribution and recording of the Glow worm, facts about the tiny Harvest mouse and a young naturalists perspective on the natural world.

If you are involved with a local recording or natural history group and would like to submit an article, we would love to feature you; please contact us for details.

This edition and past issues are available to download as a pdf:

Issue 10 - Summer 2022
Issue 9 - Spring 2022
Issue 8 - Autumn 2021
Issue 7 - Summer 2021
Issue 6 - Spring 2021
Issue 5 - Winter 2021
Issue 4 - Autumn 2020
Issue 3 - August 2020
Issue 2 - June 2020
Issue 1 - May 2020